Some Interesting Facts About Your Kids Teeth | Tooth Fairy -
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Some Interesting Facts About Your Kids Teeth | Tooth Fairy

In the course of Life, Humans have two sets of teeth. Like the first set, most of the time called Baby teeth has 20 teeth while the second set which is called Adult teeth has 32 teeth.

Between the ages of 6 and 12, baby teeth are replaced by adult teeth. Our teeth have a variety of names that include canines, premolars, and incisors in which incisors help to bite the food into pieces, canines are used to tear the food, and molars teeth to grind the food.

  • You know the interesting fact that the hard substance that teeth are covered is known as Enamel.
  • The most concern is to check for any Cavities In Children as they can damage the teeth if left untreated.

Children have other habits such as thumb sucking, sleeping with milk bottles, etc. Though there are many aspects to take care of, some basic things help to keep the smile of the children throughout their life.

Both schools and parents together can help in educating about the Children’s Dental health which will contribute to the overall health of the Kids in the present and their future. In Children to align or straighten the teeth braces are often used.

Myobrace  is a pre-orthodontic treatment type that is used as a preventive measure and which focuses on the main causes of crooked teeth, and without the help for the braces enabling growth and development.

This treatment is suitable for children aged between 3 to 15 and includes using removable appliances related to intraoral that can be used only 1-2 times in each day and using whole night while sleeping

How MyoBrace treatment helps:

It helps in aligning and developing the jaws naturally

  • Helps in correcting poor and bad oral habits
  • Helps in straightening the teeth
  • Contributes to overall health and helps in healthy eating habits

ToothFairy is one of the best Pediatric Dentistry near me in Hyderabad and the children need to get a Dental Checkup from time to time which will help to prevent any type of dental disease.

As it is always said that Prevention is better than cure, many international school managements have taken initiative to get the children regular checkups with the help of the Best Pediatric Dentist in Hyderabad.

Located at the Prime Location of Hyderabad Plot no 63, Gaffar Khan Colony, Road no. 10, Banjara Hills, Toothfairy is a Pediatric Dental Hospital, Dr. Tejas Melkote is well known Best Pediatric Dentist in Hyderabad with more than one and a half decades of experience in

  • Intraoral Diagnostic Radiography
  • Hospital-Based Dentistry
  • Orthodontics
  • Operative/Surgical Dentistry
  • Preventive Dentistry
  • Hospital-Based Dentistry

This Dental clinic is the award-winning Dental facility for children such as

  • Best Children’s Dentist (Ratings & Reviews 2016
  • Best Dental Hospital for Children(Times Survey 2014)
  • Best Pediatric Dentist (Bite-In Awards 2011)

The personnel staff in this Dental Clinic for Children are specially trained to treat children in innovative and more friendly ways.

The complete environment in the Hospital looks children-friendly. To know more detailed information about our Dental care hospital services and book an appointment just contact us at 7569788525.

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