Child Dental Care Tips That Should Not Ignore -Tooth Fairy -
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Child Dental Care Tips That Should Not Ignore -Tooth Fairy

A newborn baby in your family is a time of joy and celebrations. As a parent, you want to make sure that the overall health of your kids to be healthy. The overall health, as well as dental health, is equally important for your kids for their bright future. In children, there may be a possibility of decay occurring when the teeth start to appear.

An ideal baby’s front four teeth appear at 6 months of age, but also in some children may not appear until 14 months. As first-time parents, you might be wondering what to follow and what not when it is a matter of your Child’s Dental health.

Top Six basics that you should never ignore while taking care of your Child’s Dental Health

  • You can clean your baby’s mouth after the first few days of birth by wiping the gums with a hygienic washcloth or moist gauze pad.
  • If your kids are younger than 3 years of age, you can start brushing their teeth by using kids’ toothpaste as little as the grain of the rice. Added to this, brushing daily twice both morning and night helps the kids to have better dental health.
  • If your kids are between 3 to 6 years of age, it is better to use a pea-sized amount of fluoride or kids toothpaste twice per day or as directed by a Children’s dental doctor for Healthy Teeth. It is always important for parents to remind their children not to swallow toothpaste.
  • You have to make sure that you help your kids until they are comfortable brushing their teeth twice per day.
  • Pediatric Dentistry near Me suggests that as parents feed their children with healthy food and avoid sugary foods and drinks as much as possible
  • The most important thing is to take your child to the dentist for regular checkups at least every six months

You can find Pediatric Dental Specialists in Hyderabad or Best pediatric dental clinic in Hyderabad is Tooth Fairy and is an award-winning Children’s Dental Clinic.

  • Best Children’s Dentist (Ratings & Reviews 2016).
  • Best Dental Hospital for Children(Times Survey 2014).
  • Best Pediatric Dentist (Bite-In Awards 2011).

To know more information and receive updates regarding your children’s dental health please subscribe to our blog. For an appointment please call us at +91-7569788525 or email us at

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