Day 1: (Compulsory) – Surgical Techniques, Principles, and Suturing
Day 2: Managing Thin Ridges -Compaction, Expansion, Ridge split
Day 3: Managing Bone Height -Sinus floor elevation, Sinus grafting
14, 15, 16 July 2022
When placing implants in the posterior Maxilla lack of ridge height is often encountered. Two solutions are available, the Sinus Cortical Floor Elevation
Procedure and the Sinus Graft Procedure.
The Sinus Cortical Floor Elevation procedure involves fracturing up the cortical plate of the sinus floor. This is appropriate when there are six or more millimetres of ridge height available and a longer implant is required than the current ridge height would allow. Three to five millimetres of extra height may be obtained.
The Sinus Graft Procedure involves raising the sinus lining and placing a graft material between the floor of the sinus and the raised sinus lining. This procedure results in an increase of ridge height of up to twenty millimetres.
Problems arise after Sinus Grafting if the Suturing Techniques are not adequate
During the workshop time will be spent on suturing techniques including Continuous Locking Sutures
The Course will Learn and Do
Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the course participants will have a better knowledge of the Anatomy of the Maxillary Sinus, understand the importance of correct Sinus Grafting Technique and how to treat complications
Presentations of clinical cases will be shown. The instrumentation required for Sinus Grafting will be demonstrated
There are frequently situations in which alveolar ridge height and width are not adequate to allow the placement of implants that are of the length and diameter required. In these circumstances bone grafting is usually performed to increase the size of ridge.
This requires the patient to undergo a surgical procedure for which they have to pay. They also have to suffer varying degrees of postoperative discomfort. This is followed by a waiting period of between four to six months while the graft material is converted into new bone.
In all but the narrowest of ridges bone expansion may be performed to widen the ridges followed by implant placement at the same visit. This saves the patient four to six months as well as the cost and discomfort of the bone grafting procedure cases will be presented to show the use of these treatment methods.
What You will Learn:
How to diagnose and treat suitable cases with Ridge Expansion and Compaction.
What you will do:
Place implant using Ridge Expansion and Compaction. These techniques will be practiced by participants on models.
Topics to be discussed:
Implant Placement with Bone Compaction: In areas where there is poor bone density a technique the bone is compacted outward towards the walls of the socket being prepared. This increases the density of the socket wall and results in better primary stability of the implants
Implant Placement with Bone Expansion Where the ridge is narrow the ridge may be expanded to produce a wider ridge allowing a wider implant to be placed.
Combination Drilling and Ridge Expansion This is suitable for slightly more dense ridges where expansion alone is not possible.
Sinus and Nasal Cortical Floor Elevation Where ridge height is insufficient this procedure allow longer implants to be placed.
For an appointment over the phone, give us a call to the above number.
Plot no 63, Road No. 10, Gaffar Khan Colony, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034